AGBC Berlin - Best Business Plan Program

A Competition For Young Entrepreneurs
Since 2005, the American German Business Club has been running the Best Business Plan competition for high schools students across Berlin and Brandenburg. The primary goals of the Best Business Plan competition are to promote entrepreneurship, to help students develop valuable business planning skills, to inspire risk taking and to encourage students to think concretely about their future in business.
The rise in the number of students participating in the competition in recent years confirms the growing interest from businesses, schools and parents in supporting young people in Berlin and Brandenburg to get a head start for their future career.

The Business Plan
Students may either work alone or in teams of up to four members and are encouraged to seek advice and input from outside sources.
The final business plan must be the original work of the student or team and can be written in English or German. It should follow a standard business plan format, for which templates are readily available through the AGBC-Berlin and on the Internet. Those students who make it to the final round will have the opportunity to present their business plans to an expert jury made up of entrepreneurs, business academics and economic policy experts. These presentations are the finalists’ opportunity to convince the panel that their plan will succeed.
Project Funding
This project is financed through the generous support of sponsors within AGBC-Berlin e.V. as well as private individuals and businesses in Berlin and Brandenburg.
The Berlin Senate Administration for Education & Science encourages all schools to have their students participate in our Best Business Plan competition.
The competition is open all students between the ages of 15-20, currently enrolled in a Berlin or Brandenburg school.
The Competition
The aim of the competition is to encourage business awareness, enterprise and initiative. By producing a workable business plan, students will:
- Appreciate the practical issues of starting and running a business
- Apply the skills learned in school to real-life situations
- Practise expressing themselves in English – the language of international business
- Consider issues such as the economy, markets, consumers, politics & law
- Experience the initiative and entrepreneurial spirit essential for life in the global economy

- 1st place: €600
- 3rd place: €200
- 2nd place: €350
- 4th place: €100
As from 2014: The Maciver Innovation Award is presented to students whose plan contains the most original, realizable business idea

- Students benefit from exposure to professional business life
- Mentoring meetings and workshops are held to bring students and local businesses together and to share the Club’s business expertise
- Student participants can attend AGBC-Berlin e.V. events to network with club members and meet distinguished guest speakers
- All participating students are sponsored to attend the final awards banquet
- In addition to these prizes, the AGBC-Berlin e.V. can arrange for internships with relevant businesses in Berlin and provide additional assistance to help students takie the first steps in putting a business plan into action
- Each participant receives a Certificate of Participation
The Berlin Senate Administration for Education & Science encourages schools to have their students participate in our Best Business Plan competition.
For more information without obligation or to register for the competition, contact: Andreas Weigelt, President AGBC-Berlin