Wall-Street-Journal-2020 Election Lesson
Wall Street Journal 2020 Election Lesson: Trump’s Coalition Proved Durable Whether or not the president wins, he confounded Democrats, especially in congressional races, by improving…
President’s letter to members
Wall Street Journal 2020 Election Lesson: Trump’s Coalition Proved Durable Whether or not the president wins, he confounded Democrats, especially in congressional races, by improving…
Vier Sendungen auf YouTube. TV-Berlin-Spezial – 30 Jahre Deutsche Einheit Freya Klier:Video Susanne Dähner:Video Günther Krause:Video Lothar de Maizière:Video Karsten Voigt:Video Horst Teltschik:Video
COLUMN-Energy transitions, job losses and political reactions: John Kemp - Reuters News 15-Sep-2020 15:46:38John Kemp is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his…
Goodbye, Open Office. Hello, ‘Dynamic Workplace.’ With their headquarters largely empty amid the pandemic, tech companies are reconfiguring their open-plan spaces to appeal to employees…
COLUMN-Disease X and rethinking the future of cities: Kemp - Reuters News 27-Aug-2020 15:10:33 John Kemp is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are…
August 2020 Aus der Sitzung des Senats am 11. August 2020 Senat beschließt Änderung der SARS-CoV-2-Infektionsschutzverordnung Der Berliner Senat hat am 11. August 2020 die…
Information on the designation of international risk areas Current at: 11 August 2020 – 8 p.m. Changes since last amendment: Spain - the Autonomous Communities…
WSJ: How the Coronavirus Will Reshape World Trade In the post-pandemic world, more economic activity will be designated vital to national security,accelerating pressures on globalizationBy Jacob…
Wie man in der modernen Welt ein selbstbestimmtes Leben führen kann: Der Soziologe Max Weber lehrt uns, was frei sein heisst. Für den kleinkarierten Versuch,…
"Wir brauchen einander" - Bundesvizekanzler a.D. Sigmar Gabriel, neuer Vorsitzender der Atlantik-Brücke, über die deutsch- amerikanischen Beziehungen gestern und heute. Skyline von Kansas City, größte…